Consequences of"forgetting' a loan in bankruptcy filing
Consequences of 'forgetting' a loan in bankruptcy filing:
The only way you can actually keep a credit card is this: It must have been without a balance for a long time. In other words, you don't have to list a credit card if there's no balance. If you recently paid off the balance and then didn't list it, that's fraudulent behavior. It's known as a "preference," as in, you preferred to pay off one creditor as opposed to the others. Preferring is illegal and the trustee can require those assets be brought back into the bankruptcy proceeding in order to be used for all creditors. To reiterate, if you have a card that doesn't have a balance and hasn't for some time, you don't need to list it on your petition. Now, suppose the issuer of the card checks your credit because they are thinking of making you an offer for additional credit and they discover that you've filed bankruptcy. Even though you're not carrying a balance, they may think that you're more of a risk and they may close the account. They may not. The best way to keep a card for emergencies is to get a card, use it for a while, then stop using it. Then, if and when you ever do file bankruptcy, your card with zero balance is less likely to be canceled because you'll have a history of paying your balances. Oh, and whatever you do, don't go on TV to brag about it. Justin Harelik is a practicing attorney in Los Angeles. To ask a question of the Bankruptcy Adviser, go to the "Ask the Experts" page and select "bankruptcy" as the topic.
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